The art of storytelling
There’s a reason why stories have been told for generations: as children, we were all familiar with the phrase “once upon a time”: when we heard those words, we knew that we were about to hear something full of imagery and otherworldly. Stories were the way that we learned many things, including:
to imagine worlds outside of our own
that things could be different than they are today
that ordinary people could achieve amazing things
important life lessons
But the really amazing thing about stories, is that they stick. Each of us will remember many stories we were told growing up, who told them to us, where we were and how our lives, behaviour and thinking changed as a result.
Another powerful thing about great stories is that they have a physiological effect: the same neurons that fire in the brain of the storyteller, will start to fire in the brains of the audience. At some point, everyone in the room will be on the same neural wavelength, feeling the same emotions and with the same mental imagery. Everyone will be on the same path.
Remarkable Leaders are great storytellers. They understand that everything in a business context, from how your company came about, to setting the strategic direction for the next ten years can be framed as a story.
At Communication Counts we will show you:
the components of a great story in a business context
how to build the story about how your organisation came to exist
how to use stories to form an emotional connection with your audience
how to make people love your ideas as much as you do
how to structure stories for maximum impact and to inspire action
how choose the best time and situation to tell a story
how to make a story authentically yours
At Communication Counts we offer masterclasses, on-line training and individual coaching in storytelling in a business context. All our programmes can be tailored to your organisation’s goals and values.